Our Patients
Just as foot pain is unique so are our patients!
We have lots of different types of patients who come to see us. We have people who come regularly – every 6 to 8 weeks and those that come twice a year. And then we have people who come just to get their feet in shape for their holiday.
We love spending time with our patients (especially when they serenade us with their ukulele!). Over the years we have built up good working relationships and trust with them, so much so, our patients have become like our extended family. We love seeing the photographs of new children and grandchildren. We have in the past been the first to know about two pregnancies – before the rest of the families – needless to say that nail surgery procedures did not go ahead! We didn’t realise how long 8 months could be as we eagerly awaited the birth of the 2 children.
Our patients ages range from the very young to some who we have had the privilege of reading their birthday card from the Queen! As with the range of ages, the range of problems varies accordingly too. Youngsters with verrucae, teenagers with ingrowing toe nails (although this is certainly not limited to teenagers). Sporting injuries for the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s, and of course long toe nails, corns and hard skin which covers all ages.